Wednesday, October 15, 2008

The THESIS Experience...

The Start
As, we enter enrolling in our 1st semester fourth year with the advance plan of having a thesis/Project Proposal, from our advance OJT ( On the job training ) last April & May in this same year we come up with the prospective project as we notice problems and absence of technology in our Company which we done our summer OJT.

The Transaction/ Analysis
Me, and my group mates combine ideas, research and plan for how we will start our Project, transaction's starts when my group present a 3 project proposal in our thesis coordinator and one has decided to work on. Which is the Website of MRWD(Metro Roxas Water district) with Online Application, Comment and Online Billing System. We start to communicate with the employee and staff and even with the Interim General Manager of the office which also our boses during our OJT they supported us to do it and go for it.

The Documentation
Our thesis coordinator give us the formats and thing to do in working with the documents all are started,we collect information of our Company, we all think that it will be more OK and relax for us because our group did not experience hardness and suffering in our 1 to 3 steps but the biggest change and hardfullness happen when our company did not allow us with the Billing System we have only a week to present our work but most of our plan and document will be change and work-it again we try, to find another scope to pass the required scope of our course requirement's, MRWD help us to present a Online Procurement System in their bidding system. We take it, understand it and decide to develop the system without any ideas, just a little bit discussion. Our document were finished and pass it on time to our Coordinator.

The Defense
The time come to depend our work and document. But before this, all of us feel this is the “JUDGEMENT DAY”we are all afraid and nervous but as a leader i do all to support my groupmate and strengthen my self. We try our best to make our presentation presentable,we do all the advices of our thesis coordinator to practice our work but it seems it does not pass the panel standard the comments hurts a lot that it fells like we can say our reason/side and ask why?!lot thing's we can say about it but we leave it. My group always enjoy and happy we take it that way so that we can help each other especially help our selves to think more and do more, we fell good in our defend in a way that panel help us and teach us the things we have to do and be done in order to support the need of our Company We, thank them too much and lots i develop because of Trial and Errors in THESIS.

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